Uploading Images to Firebase Cloud Storage With Nuxt

Photo by Héctor J. Rivas on Unsplash
You may have noticed that my posts normally will have a cover image. Originally, I did things manually where I would upload the images using the Firebase Console, obtain the download URL, and use it on the blog. It wasn't complicated but it sure can be improved, so I recently added a way to upload the cover images to Cloud Storage directly from a form.
(My new blog form with tiptap and an image file input element)
File element
The file element is one of those things that's a bit troublesome to style and in most cases you'd find it more practical to just hide it completely, which is what I did for my blog. The technique is common and is simply hiding the file input element and having another element trigger a click
event on the file input element.
The snippet below demonstrates the use of this technique. In addition, a preview of the image and a delete button is added to create this "compound" element, which greatly enhances an otherwise plain file input element.
I'm using Tailwind CSS. You can refer to its documentation for the effects of the CSS classes used.
<div class="mb-4">
<label for="imageUrl">Image</label>
<div v-if="blog.imageUrl">
<!-- A preview of the image. -->
<img :src="blog.imageUrl" class="w-24 md:w-32 h-auto object-cover inline-block" alt="">
<!-- Delete button for deleting the image. -->
class="bg-red-500 border-red-300 text-white"
{{ isDeletingImage ? 'Deleting...' : 'Delete' }}
<!-- Clicking this button triggers the "click" event of the file input. -->
{{ isUploadingImage ? 'Uploading...' : 'Upload' }}
<!-- This is the real file input element. -->
accept="image/png, image/jpeg"
The script
The accompaniment to the template above, the Javascript below contains the various event handlers and demonstrates how the file is actually uploaded to the Firebase Cloud Storage, which is pretty much based from their excellent documentation.
A few things that might need some clarification are the use of $refs
and $firebase
$refs is basically any DOM element or component registered with the ref
attribute. You may have noticed in the template our file input element with the attribute ref="imageFile"
. This allows us to easily access the element just by using the $refs
property. Without the attribute, the alternative would have to use querySelector
or querySelectorAll
in order access the file input element.
The $firebase is the Firebase object that we've injected with the use of plugins. You can know more about how this was done by reading my previous post about connecting a Nuxt application with Firebase.
export default {
data () {
return {
blog: {},
isUploadingImage: false,
isDeletingImage: false
methods: {
launchImageFile () {
// Trigger the file input click event.
uploadImageFile (files) {
if (!files.length) {
const file = files[0]
if (!file.type.match('image.*')) {
alert('Please upload an image.')
const metadata = {
contentType: file.type
this.isUploadingImage = true
// Create a reference to the destination where we're uploading
// the file.
const storage = this.$firebase.storage()
const imageRef = storage.ref(`images/${file.name}`)
const uploadTask = imageRef.put(file, metadata).then((snapshot) => {
// Once the image is uploaded, obtain the download URL, which
// is the publicly accessible URL of the image.
return snapshot.ref.getDownloadURL().then((url) => {
return url
}).catch((error) => {
console.error('Error uploading image', error)
// When the upload ends, set the value of the blog image URL
// and signal that uploading is done.
uploadTask.then((url) => {
this.blog.imageUrl = url
this.isUploadingImage = false
deleteImage () {
.then(() => {
this.blog.imageUrl = ''
.catch((error) => {
console.error('Error deleting image', error)
You can see how I used the above snippets for this blog along with its full source code from the repo.