Deploying Nuxt Static Site to Github Pages with GitHub Actions

GitHub Pages

In a previous article, I talked about deploying a static Nuxt app to Firebase Hosting. In this article, I'll be sharing about how to deploy a static Nuxt site to GitHub Pages.

Create a dedicated branch for GitHub Pages

You'll basically create the branch that will be used by GitHub to serve your site. This should only contain the build artifact, or the files that are generated if you run yarn generate.

This step is optional if you'll be using the GitHub actions workflow below to deploy your site. The workflow will automatically create the branch, if needed.

Configure Nuxt

Make sure that your nuxt.config.js contains the following:

export default {
  target: 'static',
  router: {
    base: '/<repository-name>/'

Where, the target property is set to static and repository-name is your GitHub repository name.

By default, the router's base property is /. You'll need to override it since project sites are in https://<username><repository-name> format.

Doing this ensures that our assets and links are built correctly with respect to the base URL.

GitHub Actions

Create the .github/workflows directory and save the YAML code below inside the directory. You can name the file anything you want as long as it's a .yml type.


name: Deploy to GitHub Pages on merge
      - master
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - run: yarn install --frozen-lockfile && yarn generate
      - uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          publish_dir: ./dist

The workflow basically involves the following steps:

  1. Checkout the master branch.
  2. Generate the build artifact.
  3. Push the files located in the dist directory to the gh-pages branch.

By default, the files will be pushed to the gh-pages branch. You can change the branch by using the publish_branch property.

See GitHub Actions for GitHub Pages Options for more options.

Commit the file and push your changes. Every time you push your changes, GitHub actions will apply the workflow and automatically build and deploy the changes to your site.

Select the branch as the source for GitHub Pages

Go to the Settings of your GitHub repository and scroll down to the Pages section. In the GitHub Pages settings, select the source branch that you created earlier.

Screenshot of GitHub Pages settings

And you're all set! GitHub Pages will use the branch you selected (e.g. gh-pages) and where your build artifact will automatically be committed as you continue to develop on your main branch.